Monday, 5 October 2009

I'm still alive, here's proof...

.....but for some reason the colour's screwed on these uploads!

Not sure why. The last image here has uploaded okay though, probably because its black and white!

Anyway, believe it or not but together with a 58 page storyboard this work got me through my MA stage assessment. It looks much better when the colour's correct, honest...

Not sure where to take it all now, if at all. Basically I have these choices:

a) Shelve it and do something new that I've written. I would probably go for a simpler premise and story line (gotta work faster this time!).
b) Shelve it and adapt an existing story line (by a real author) into comic book form.
c) Start a second draft, which will probably mean a complete overhaul of the characters, setting, everything. This might just end up being the same as option (a).
d) Do any of the above but also turn it into something new....I'm considering learning how to use Flash to create something interactive. The only problem here is that I don't want to do something gimmicky that isn't quite a comic and isn't quite an animation. I'll have to take a look at what's already out there and read up on some current theories and ideas (Scott McCloud, hello again) to inform my opinion.

Currently looking at options (a) to (c)...reading some short stories (only Kafka so far, gonna take a look at Thurber, Poe and a few others too) and also reading Stephen King's 'On Writing' to get some more hints and tips. On the comics front, I'm desperate to read Dave Mazzucchelli's newbie and Jason's latest. Both have been ordered but have not yet arrived.

Next I'm gonna have a go at ripping my 1st draft of Paper Cuts (is that really the title?) apart, world by world...

I keep imagining my final work for this course to be a simple silent narrative with some super strong tight sequences drawn to the best of my ability...I wanna impress after all. Kinda like what I did with 'How the Rhinoceros Got his Skin' but a billion times better. But maybe it's dangerous to keep picturing something when you haven't even got a clue what it's REALLY gonna be about yet. Gimmee back my guitar, I'm sick of this visual storytelling shit....